Department Of Psychology

Department Of Psychology

The department was established in 2013 with full time under graduate programme BSc. Psychology. The new era of neck and neck competitions in the world was accelerating the rate of every day mental health issues. Psychology and related studies providing ways and interventions to deal with the issues. The department aims at inculcating broad based understanding towards self and society at large and help the youth to become a good human being. Entire co-curricular activities of Psy. dept. help the students to interact deeply with society and to address its needs. The Psychology Programme assist students of Camelrigi to alleviate their problems from the beginning. In addition to the holistic development of students, the department assures academic excellence. Skills training, short term add on courses, and opportunities to organising and participating national and international level seminars and workshops empower unique values and soft skills among Psy. students. The dept. offers Internship programs in Premier Institutes. Apart from internship, training programmes, field visits, industrial visits, and community awareness Programmes under the supervision of eminent faculties unfolding the potentials of students.

Library oriented and computer assisted teaching models, well equipped laboratory facilities, research oriented dissertations, paper presentations and publications, etc., imbibing research attitude in Psy. Students.

Major Specialization 1 Specialization 2 No.Of Seats Duration




4 Year Honours

Meet Our Team

Sr.Delseeniya Thomas

Head Of The Department

MSc Psychology

Ms.Queen Mary Mathew

Assistant Professor

MSc .Applied Psychology

Ms.Hridya Siv .S

Assistant Professor

MSc. Psychology