Mobile Phones: Students bringing mobile phones to the campus must place them in the designated tray provided by their respective departments. Violations will result in the phone being seized by the principal or teachers, with appropriate punishment imposed as per government order (Govt. order no. Rt/No. 46/05/Higher Edn.dt.1--2005).
Vehicles: Students are not allowed to bring four-wheelers to the campus. Two-wheelers must be parked in the designated area within the college campus.
Political Activism: Political activism is strictly prohibited on campus. Organizing or attending unauthorized meetings and participating in strikes are forbidden.
Inviting Outsiders: No outsider should be invited to the college without the consent of the Principal.
Social Media: Students must not use the college emblem or photos on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.). Participation in activities detrimental to the reputation of the college, departments, staff, or students is strictly prohibited.
Conduct: Bunking classes without sufficient cause, and disrespectful behavior towards teaching and non-teaching staff will be taken seriously, and appropriate action will be taken.
Classroom Entry: Students should enter the classroom before the second bell and remain silent during prayer time.
Unoccupied Classes: If a class is unoccupied, students must inform the concerned department.
Campus Cleanliness: Students must not disfigure walls, doors, windows, furniture, etc., with graffiti or bills.
Uniform: Students must wear the prescribed college uniform on all working days except Wednesdays. Shirts should be buttoned up and ID cards worn around the neck. Failure to comply will result in a fine of Rs. 50. The ID card is required for library access, union elections, etc.
Free Hours: Students should spend free hours in the library and not loiter in verandahs, corridors, or staircases. Entering other classrooms and disturbing classes is a punishable offense.
Attendance: Attendance will be marked and reported to the university as per rules. Daily attendance will be closed at 10 AM during the first hour and marked at the beginning of all other hours.
Attendance Requirement: Students with less than 75% attendance must obtain permission from the University to write University examinations. The college holds no responsibility in this regard.
Campus Departure: Students should leave the campus before 5.00 PM on all working days.
Police and Media: Students shall not invite police or media persons to the campus without proper authorization.
Disciplinary Action: The Principal is entitled to take any disciplinary action for misconduct, including unauthorized absence from classes, disorderly behavior in class, disrespectful conduct towards staff, participation in or instigation of strikes, organizing unauthorized tours or meetings, restricting mobility within the college, harassing fellow students, disturbing functions in the auditorium, malpractice in examinations, unauthorized collection of money, distributing unauthorized materials or displaying posters, defacing college property, smoking, consuming alcohol, or using narcotics, damaging college property, or any other objectionable activity or behavior.
Celebrations: No celebrations should be arranged on campus without the written permission of the Principal.
External Activities: Students participating in strikes or demonstrations at other campuses will be dismissed without prior notice.
Complaints: Students should submit complaints in writing to the Principal.
Religious Activities: The college, run by CMC sisters of the Christian Catholic Religion, treats all religions equally. Daily classes start with a prayer, and facilities for confession and Holy Mass are provided monthly. Christian students may attend a three-day annual retreat, while a one-day seminar is conducted for students of other religions.
Campus Cleanliness: The college campus and classrooms should be kept clean. Students must ensure no damage is done to college property, including plants and trees.
Personal Belongings: The college is not responsible for the loss of textbooks, notebooks, tiffin boxes, clothes, money, ornaments, etc.
Respect: Students should greet staff members within or outside the campus as a mark of respect.
Vehicle Parking: Students must park vehicles only in designated parking slots as per the order of the Hon. High Court and Government.
Discipline: Persistently insubordinate, mischievous, or fraudulent students will be removed from the roll.
Certificates: Students needing certificates must fill out an application form. Certificates will be provided within 24 hours after form submission.
Amendments: The Principal and Management have the authority to amend existing rules if deemed necessary.