The Master of Social Work (MSW) programme at Carmelgiri College, Adimali, is governed by the Mahatma Gandhi University Regulations (2011) under the Credit Semester System (MGU-CSS-PG). The MSW programme spans four semesters, with each semester lasting a minimum of 90 working days. The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social work practices, theories, and specialized areas. The programme emphasizes the development of practical skills through field work and offers elective specializations in Community Development, Family and Child Welfare, and Medical & Psychiatric Social Work, allowing students to tailor their learning based on their interests and career aspirations.

The MSW programme is structured to include core courses, elective courses, fieldwork, and project work. Students must complete compulsory field work for all four semesters, with each semester contributing 6 credits. Additionally, students are required to complete an audit course, Block Field Placement, after the fourth semester, which does not carry academic credits but is essential for completing the programme. The Programme Project is another vital component, where students undertake project work under supervision, culminating in a dissertation and Viva-Voce for external evaluation. Furthermore, a Comprehensive Viva-Voce is conducted at the end of the programme, covering all the courses in the curriculum.

SL. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 SW010101 Social Sciences for Social Work 3 3
2 SW010102 Human Growth and Development 3 3
3 SW010103 History, Philosophy and Fields of Social Work 3 3
4 SW010104 Social Work Practice with Individuals 3 3
5 SW010105 Social Work Practice with Communities 3 3
6 SW010106 Field Practicum 12 6
SL. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 SW010201 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology 3 3
2 SW010202 Counselling and Psychotherapy 3 3
3 SW010203 Professional Skills for Social Workers 3 3
4 SW010204 Social Work Practice with Groups 3 3
5 SW010205 Social Work Research and Statistics 3 3
6 SW010206 Field Practicum 12 6
SL. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 SW010301 General Issues in Human Services 3 3
2 SW010302 Field Practicum 12 6
Specialization Courses
SL. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 SW800501 Community Development 3 3
2 SW800502 Community Development – Issues and Policies 3 3
3 SW800503 Management of Human Services 3 3
SL. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 SW010401 Social Legislation and Human Rights 3 3
2 SW010402 Gerontological Social Work 3 3
3 SW010403 Field Practicum 12 6
4 SW010404 Dissertation 3 3
5 SW010405 Completion of Project 4 5
Open Courses Offered During the 5th Semester
Course Name Course Code
Pathrapravarthanam ML50PTO1
Communicative Hindi HN50PT02
English for Careers ENOG3
Life Skill Development PY50P2